Monday, December 19, 2011

Chasing Lincoln's Killer James L. Swanson

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer is a non-fiction book that is focused on the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and the many tiring days to come for the assassin. Everyone knows the story of the assassination of Abe Lincoln. But does everyone know what happened before and after the assassination? Booth had planned to kidnap Lincoln about 4 months before the actual assassination. Then, at Lincoln’s second inaugural speech Booth watched from the balcony of his hotel room. Booth had a clear shot at Lincoln, but he did not have strong enough firepower to shoot him. Days later Booth went to pick up his mail from Ford’s Theater and learned Lincoln and his wife would be attending that night’s performance. Booth told his accomplices his plan and made plans to assassinate more than just President Lincoln. Does Booth succeed in his wrong doings? Read Chasing Lincoln’s Killer to find out.

Kyle D.

Woodridge School

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

Bridge to Terabithia was mainly about two kids who form their own imaginary society, called Terabithia, in the woods. The two kids Jess and Leslie are the two rulers. Lets take a step back to the beginning when Leslie first came to school. It was the first day of fifth grade, everyone excited, ready to go out to recess to race. It was time to see who was the fastest kid in the fifth grade, until Leslie came to school. Jessie saw her as a threat because she could be faster than him but at the same time he had a secret crush on her. When they first raced I knew that they would be best friends. Boy, was that true. They started to do everything together. That was when they created Terabithia, with a rope swing to get across. Terabithia was based on the people in their lives. They were kings, nothing could bring them down. Then something tragic happened that almost made me cry, I was brave. When you figure out what happens you will definitely burst out in tears. If you want to know what happens then you have to read the book. This was by far the best book I have ever read. It is an action packed thriller with suspense on every page. Hopefully you decide to read this book. I know you will love it.

Jarren Prata

Woodridge School

Wings by E.D. Baker

Wings is about a girl named Tamisin. She has always been a little different than the others. Her freckles look more like sparkles and the full moon makes her want to dance. The day when real fairy wings sprout from her back is when her real adventure begins. Goblins start chasing her, and then Tamisin finds out that she can control the weather! When she masters her powers they really help her on her journey to meet the fairy queen. Tamisin isn’t alone on her adventure. A new “boy” from school joins her on her journey and Tamisin finds out she isn’t the only abnormal one in the world, it turns out this boy is a goblin! Eventually, her adventure pays off. Read the book to find out what happens!

This book was very exciting! It was a page-turner and it made my heart pound because I was so nervous! By the title you would think that it was a book for girls but I think that it could go either way. There are goblins so I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventures and magical creatures. If I were to rate this book I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars.

Taylor C.

Woodridge School

Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer By John Grisham

Theodore Boone is a 13 year-old boy who loves the courthouse. His parents are lawyers so he gets to spend a ton of time in the courthouse. Since he does spend so much time there, he knows all the cases that are going on (especially the criminal cases because those are his favorites). There is a new murder trial case going on and he gets a little too involved in this one. He found some evidence that could change the whole turn out of this case. Read the book to find out what happens to Theo next!

I really enjoyed this book because it left me hanging on every page. The mystery was very intense and kept the reader in to it. I would recommend this book to both, boys and girls and any mystery lovers. I would rate it a 10 out of 10.

Jillian C.

Woodridge School

Friday, October 21, 2011

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

I think that this book was kind of confusing, but I liked it. Miranda is living in her New York apartment with her mom. She is in the sixth grade, (like us). Her mom's boyfriend, "Mr. Perfect," is helping out too. But when Miranda's mom makes it on the 10,000 Dollar Pyramid, she starts getting these strange letters that are telling her to write back, but the problem is that she doesn't know what they mean and where to write back. With out her best friend, Sal, things are getting harder. Along the way Miranda makes new friends, like the "Laughing Man" and talks to people she never thought about talking to, like the "Gangsters" in the garage. Also, does she find out who the mysterious person is? Does her mom win the 10,000 Dollar Pyramid? Does "Mr. Perfect" get a key to the apartment and do Sal and Miranda become best friends again? What happens to the"Laughing Man?"

This book is part mystery, part science fiction. That is why so many things get so confusing. I also think that is why I liked it so much. The confusion was pulling me back into the book. I kept going back to find out or clear up the confusion.

The end of the book was the most confusing of all. It had a lot of references to A Wrinkle In Time, (which I have not read, yet). This book ended with a lot of questions for me. The questions were not literally in the book but in my mind. This is one of my favorite books, despite the fact it left me hanging. I hope that if you read this book it didn't leave you hanging. All in all, this was an amazing book.

Also, her website is very cool!

Anna W.
Grade 6
E. S. Rhodes School

Warriors Sign of the Moon by Erin Hunter

Warriors Sign of the Moon is about the powerful three (Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovewing) trying to find a way to stop the evil dark forest. The whole plot of this part of the warriors series is that the dead cats in the dark forest want to train living cats to destroy all good cats (both living and dead). Jayfeather receives a desperate plea for help from the tribe of rushing water. Jayfeather sets off, leaving Lionblaze and Dovewing to protect Thunderclan. Jayfeather finds a secret that connects Thunderclan and Tribe of Rushing Water in both the past and the future. What is it? You'll have to find your inner cat to find out. Word of wisdom though, read all the other books before this one. It will help you understand the book better.

Look at the Warriors website for more of the Warrior cats adventures. Link

Ayo G.
Grade 6
E.S Rhodes

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner is an enticing science fiction novel. The story is about a boy who is sent into a huge maze called the Glade. The people who live there are called gladers and have been trying to escape for eleven years, but they have had no success because of the things that lurk in the maze called the grievers. The grievers can’t go into the center of the maze where the gladers live but constantly run around the maze in search of lost gladers. The gladers might escape, but you’ll never know for sure until you read the book!

I thought The Maze Runner was very suspenseful and comedic at times. The book reminds me of a rat maze because the people are the rats and the maze is obviously the maze. My favorite part of the book was definitely the ending, but I can’t tell you the ending or I would ruin the book! My least favorite part, however, is the beginning because it is kind of slow. Even though the beginning is slow, the rest of the book surely makes up for it.

I would recommend The Maze Runner to anyone who likes a somewhat realistic, fantasy novel. I would also recommend it to a Star Wars fan because of its futuristic feel. Also, someone who likes The Hunger Games trilogy would love this book. -- S.L., Garden City

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games is about an annual game that takes place in the future. There are 12 districts around the world. The Capital rules the world. This is because the world was destroyed in a large war. A small amount of land and people were left, and they rebuilt the world. Unfortunately, most districts are in poverty. Few districts were rich. They became rich by winning The Hunger Games. If you win, you obtain a large sum of money for you and your district. When the Hunger Games begin, two kids, a male and female, are randomly chosen to participate in the Hunger Games. The problem is that this game is a fight to the death. 24 children try to kill each other. The last person standing wins the Games. The story revolves around Katniss Everdeen, who takes her sister, Prim’s, place in the Hunger Games. She has one goal: Stay alive.

I personally enjoyed The Hunger Games. It was well written and very intense at times. My favorite part of the book is hard to decide. I loved everything in it. I think I liked the part with the trackerjackers the best, though. Trackerjackers are deadly bees invented by the Capital for war. Their stings cause delusions, and soon, death. Katniss is hiding in a tree when she knocks a nest of trackerjackers to the ground. They attack her, and other tributes trying to kill her. Katniss obtains only a couple stings, and she has the power to stay alive. Sadly, the others don’t fare as well as Katniss. A girl named Glitter is stung multiple times, and she is killed. I dislike the scene where Katniss found Peeta, though. The scene just dragged on, and was boring. I think Foxface was my favorite character. There wasn’t much back story about her, but you only needed a little information to know her. She was sly, and stealthy.

I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. I would even recommend it to people who hate reading, because even they would be captured by its plot. With this book, it doesn’t matter what your age is. You will love this book no matter what. You can read it at any age, because it is a great book. -- D.R., Garden City

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Black Book Of Secrets by F.E. Higgins

The Black Book of Secrets is about a boy named Ludlow Fitch. He comes from the City, a foul place stinking of poverty, cruelty, and evil. His parents become addicted to gin and end up selling his teeth to get money to pay for the gin. Before he loses his teeth he runs away and hitches a ride on an outbound carriage. He comes to the small town of Pagus Parvus. Ludlow becomes apprenticed to a pawnbroker, Joe Zabbidou, who has just moved into town. He learns that Joe is a Secret Pawnbroker, a person who trades in keeping peoples' darkest secrets safe. Joe takes peoples' secrets down in a book to relieve them of their burden. He then gives the people money for their secrets. Joe helps the people of the town overcome a rich man named Jeremiah Ratchet who cheats almost all the townspeople into debt. Jeremiah ends up getting killed and the townspeople are very grateful to Joe. Joe then takes Ludlow to a library full of other Black Books. Ludlow is then given his own Book in which Joe records Ludlow's secret.

This spiritual tale of sins and redemption will keep you interested and intrigue you from beginning to end. When you've finished visit F.E. Higgins website for more of her fabulous books.
Aidan M
E.S. Rhodes

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket

I really loved this book, The Ersatz Elevator. Lemony Snicket must have put a lot of deep thought into this book. When the three Baudelaire’s, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, try to get to the bottom of Esme Squalor’s dark and mean scheme, they encounter a little bump in the road. As they are trying to get out of Esme and Jerome’s penthouse apartment, they’re stuck. No one will let them out to get to the police. At this penthouse, there is an extremely odd elevator that is never to be used, however the Baudelaire’s figure out how this elevator works. This odd elevator is really a secret hideout and the only way down is to climb using a rope. Will Violet, Klaus, and Sunny get down the elevator, or will they be stuck in the penthouse forever?

This book is one of my favorites. When Sunny was trying to climb down the elevator, her brother and sister kept cheering her on. That is what I like in a story. Also, it kept you hanging at every chapter. I would always have a hard time taking my eyes off of each page.

Brooke D.

Woodridge School

Poppy by Avi

Poppy is a tiny deer mouse. She lives with a huge deer mouse family. The problem? They’re running out of food. Mr. Ocax, the great horned owl, and ruler of the Dimwood Region, demands permission for any movement the mice wish to do. He is also the protector of them. Lungwort, the father of Poppy and the rest of the mice family, prepares a speech for a movement to go to a place called New House where there is plenty of food. When he gives his speech to Ocax, Ocax denies halfway through. So, Poppy and Lungwort are confused. Why wouldn’t Mr. Ocax let them move to New House? Is there something there that Mr. Ocax doesn’t want them to know about? Well, Poppy doesn’t take no for an answer. She wants to find out, so she prepares to walk there. If you want to know what is at New House and see if Poppy succeeds, than I suggest you read this exciting, can’t put down, adventure book.This book is awesome! I couldn’t put it down! Whenever I read I didn’t want to stop. I would think other readers would think the same thing as me. So, if your near your public library, and you need a book, I check this one out!

Vito N.

Woodridge School

Ida B by Katherine Hannigan

Ida B is about this girl named Ida. She is an only child and is homeschooled. Her parents have a big piece of land and with that land they planted apple trees and now they have and apple orchard. Ida’s friends aren’t really friends. They are the apple trees. Ida talks to them because since she’s homeschooled and doesn’t go to regular school, she talks to trees, but the trees “talk” back. She loves to be outside with the trees in her orchard. Ida has the happiest life that one could ever live until her mom becomes diagnosed with cancer. Her family can’t afford the chemo treatments needed for her mom, so they have to sell some of their orchard. Ida B is forced to be put back in public school. She never liked it and she never will. Will Ida’s mom ever recover from her cancer? Will Ida be able to be homeschooled and will her life ever be back to normal?

I recommend this book to girls above the age of 10 or 11. I loved it so much, I had to read it three more times! Katherine Hannigan is a terrific author and included great suspense in this book. I couldn’t put it down! This book is a definitely a page-turner!!

Riley W.

Woodridge School

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

This is the first book in Rick Riordan’s new and exciting series. One of the characters, Piper, is at a wilderness school in the middle of nowhere because her rich, famous father is mad at her. She meets a boy named Jason, who has no memory because Hera took it so he won’t remember his terrible, demigod past. Then, the Titans capture Hera and her power weakens everyday so she can’t escape. They take her to an old, warn down mansion where Jason used to live. Since Jason doesn’t have his memory, he can’t remember where the mansion is. Also, on top of all this trouble, another demigod named Leo shows up at the beginning the expedition to tell them both that Piper’s mean dad was also taken by the Titans. Now, they all have to save two people. Will the new demigods, Piper, Jason, and a helpful son of Hespeust be able to save Hera before the winter solstice? Read the book to see if they will save Hera.

I really loved this book! This book was exhilarating and definitely a page-turner! Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop. Rick Riordan again has used his amazing talents to create an awesome book that is great for readers and that a lot of readers will love, too!

Aliana C.

Woodridge School

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jim and Me by Dan Gutman

In Jim and Me there is a boy named Stosh and he can travel through time using baseball cards. This time when he goes back in time he meets Jim Thorpe, the Native American who won Olympic gold medals for the decathlon. Jim's medals were taken away from him because he was paid to play baseball before he was in the Olympics. Stosh and Bobby Fuller went back in time to the Dodgers field where Jim Thorpe played baseball. John Mcgraw, manager of the Dodgers, uses Thorpe as a pinch hitter. Jim Thorpe wanted to be in the field because he was such a good runner. Mcgraw never gives Thorpe the chance to excel.

You can decide if you want to read this book. I read it twice and I've read other books in the series. Look at Dan Gutman's website for books in this series.

Will G. R.
E.S. Rhodes

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book is the tale of a boy orphaned at infancy by the murderer called Jack. He is adopted (and hidden from Jack) by the ghosts in a nearby graveyard. The ghosts and the boy's guardian, Silas (a possible vampire), dub him Nobody "Bod" Owens. Bod grows up in the graveyard, where life proves to be both exciting and dangerous. The Graveyard Book may be frightening to some (as the story includes kidnapping ghouls, murderers, and possible thievery), though I did not find it so.
-Rose S. M.
E.S. Rhodes

To discover more chilling tales by Neil Gaiman, visit his website at!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

The Clique is about these 5 girls, Massie, Alicia, Dylan and Kristen . They are a part of a clique in their school where they are the most popular and everyone envies them. They are also extremely wealthy. Massie's father has a friend and his family stay in their guest house. Claire Lyons, the daughter of the visiting family, is a quiet, middle class girl, new to the wealthy community and new to the exclusive private school, OCD (Octavian Country Day). Massie and her clique, "The Pretty Committee," make fun of Claire because of her clothes and looks. Will she ever fit in?

Claire tears "The Pretty Committee" apart just so she can have friends, but her plan backfires and they dislike her even more than before. So Claire befriends a girl named Layne, an outgoing funny, not-afraid-to-be herself kind of girl and Claire likes her. The Pretty Committee makes fun of them but Claire shakes them off. Nothing will destroy her confidence and her friendship with Layne!

I think that is exactly what is happening to kids today. They are being bullied because they are different or they don't "fit in." There is nowhere else to turn for them and that's why I am so proud of Claire! I cannot put these books down! They are amazing and inspirational. True friends don't do what the clique had done to Claire and that's why everyone should try their best to find a great friend!

Amelia L.
E.S. Rhodes Elementary School

The Only Thing Harder Than Fitting In Is Getting In "The Pretty Committee!"
To see other books in the series please visit: