Chasing Lincoln’s Killer is a non-fiction book that is focused on the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and the many tiring days to come for the assassin. Everyone knows the story of the assassination of Abe Lincoln. But does everyone know what happened before and after the assassination? Booth had planned to kidnap Lincoln about 4 months before the actual assassination. Then, at Lincoln’s second inaugural speech Booth watched from the balcony of his hotel room. Booth had a clear shot at Lincoln, but he did not have strong enough firepower to shoot him. Days later Booth went to pick up his mail from Ford’s Theater and learned Lincoln and his wife would be attending that night’s performance. Booth told his accomplices his plan and made plans to assassinate more than just President Lincoln. Does Booth succeed in his wrong doings? Read Chasing Lincoln’s Killer to find out.
Kyle D.
Woodridge School
Dario M. E.S. Rhodes
I have not read the book "Chasing Lincoln's Killer" by James L. Swanson, but I am looking forward to reading it! I'm looking forward to reading it because,I love to read about presidents, and their assassins because I find it very interesting. I have heard about it from friends, and relatives, but I never actually read it. I really do hope it's as good as people say it is, because I have a science test to take this week, and I need to study!! I am clicking you good-bye internet!
Chasing Lincoln’s killer is a great book. I recommend this book to any child and even an adult. My favorite part about this book is when Booth killed Lincoln and he wanted to assassinate more than one person. It was my favorite part because it was the climax of the story.
Mitchell grade 6
Orchard Farms Elementary School
Chasing Lincoln’s Killer was a good book. I really enjoyed the book when the cops caught the assent. I would definitely recommend the book to someone who wants to learn about Lincoln’s killer. Chasing Lincolns Killer was a great book!
Nick grade6
Orchard Farms Elementary
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