Ida B is about this girl named Ida. She is an only child and is homeschooled. Her parents have a big piece of land and with that land they planted apple trees and now they have and apple orchard. Ida’s friends aren’t really friends. They are the apple trees. Ida talks to them because since she’s homeschooled and doesn’t go to regular school, she talks to trees, but the trees “talk” back. She loves to be outside with the trees in her orchard. Ida has the happiest life that one could ever live until her mom becomes diagnosed with cancer. Her family can’t afford the chemo treatments needed for her mom, so they have to sell some of their orchard. Ida B is forced to be put back in public school. She never liked it and she never will. Will Ida’s mom ever recover from her cancer? Will Ida be able to be homeschooled and will her life ever be back to normal?
I recommend this book to girls above the age of 10 or 11. I loved it so much, I had to read it three more times! Katherine Hannigan is a terrific author and included great suspense in this book. I couldn’t put it down! This book is a definitely a page-turner!!
Riley W.
Woodridge School
I really enjoyed reading the book Ida B. by Katherine Hannigan. I think it is a very good book. I liked how creative Ida was. She would talk to the trees and the little pond in her backyard. Since she is home schooled, she doesn’t have many friends. She acted as if they were her friends and talked to them about things going on in her life. I think everyone should read this book because it is such a great one.
Sara Grade 6 Orchard Farms
The book Ida B, by Katherine Hannigan, in my opinion was a very well written story. I could tell this because I was able to feel sad, angry, or happy for Ida, as I read. For example, when she had to go to public school because her mom had cancer and couldn’t be her teacher anymore, I felt bad for her. I thought it was funny how Ida thought that the trees talked to her and that they all had different personalities. The paragraphs where she talks to the trees would probably be my favorites. I think that Katherine Hannigan did a really good job writing Ida B, and I would recommend it.
Jenna 6 Orchard Farms
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