Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bandit's Moon by Sid Fleischman

Bandit’s Moon is a story about a boy who lives with a very mean woman named O.O. Mary. People call her O.O. because her eyes are always wide, frantic, mean and wild. The boy had always dreamed of running away, because O.O. was very brutal. Sometimes she didn’t even feed him. One day while O.O. Mary was away, the boy ran away to a faraway desert and met some Mexican outlaws riding on horses. The lead outlaw, Wakeen, was polite and welcoming. He was happy to welcome the boy to the clan of outlaws. Then the outlaws get him his own horse. You have to read the exciting adventure story to believe it! I really liked this book because it was interesting how Mexican outlaws could be so friendly to a strange ‘Yankee’ or American boy. Also I liked it because it is a mystery and suspenseful. You never know what’s going to happen next. There is also a lot of action. This story is very unpredictable. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

I think you should read this story because it’s a story full of adventure, emotion and suspense. The story is good to read because it shows how two different ethnicities or cultures can come together and get along really well . It’s a great read! You should REALLY try it! -- J.P., Stadium School

Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn

One of the characters in this story, Molly, has a fear of her stepsister, Heather, and so does Molly’s brother Mike. Heather hates everyone -- Molly, Mike, and her new stepmother -- everyone except her father. As soon as they move to a new house with a cemetery in the back, Heather starts making up a girl named Helen. But is Helen really made up? Heather, Mike and Molly find out later that a little girl named Helen was buried in the cemetery. As the mystery gets harder to crack, they find out something horrible about Helen and their own stepsister. You have to read it to find out more!

To be honest, this is one of my favorite books in the world. I love how the author just keeps you interested until you hit the last word in the book. One of the characters in the book, Molly, was trying to figure out what was going on which in a way is like me because I love mysteries and trying to solve them. Now that I read and loved this book, hopefully you will feel the same way, too. If you love mysteries, ghosts or haunted places then you have to read this book. I would recommend this book to anyone in grades 5-8 between the ages of 10-14. – G.O., Stadium School.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Land of the Dead By Mary Pope Osborne

The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus, a Greek king, who fought in the Trojan War. His journey back was a horrible experience with giants, cyclops, witches, and the land of the dead.

Odysseus and his men travel to an island inhabited by an evil witch who turns travelers into animals. When half of his men go out searching for food they find a palace. The men enter the palace of the witch and only one of them returns to the campground. He told the rest of the men the story of how his friends were turned into pigs by the witch. With the help of Hermes, Odysseus went to get his men back from the witch. The witch made a promise to him that she will do no harm because her magic had no effect on him. She turned his men back into men. Odysseus, his men, and the witch come up with a plan to return to their homeland. The plan is very risky. They have to go to the land of dead and speak to a wise old man that died but still has his wisdom. At the land of the dead the old man says that he can not help Odysseus return home, but he can warn him. He says that on his way home, they will pass an island owned by the sun god. The sun god has sheep. He warns, "Don't touch the sheep. If you touch the sheep the god will get very angry, and destroy your ship so you won't be able to go anywhere. Warn your men not to touch the sheep."
Zachary H,
E.S. Rhodes

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff

Pictures of Hollis Woods is about a girl named Hollis who has been having a really tough time. She has been in foster care for most of her life. Also she has lived with so many families and she is only a teenager. One day Hollis gets placed with a woman named Josie. Hollis likes Josie a lot. Will Hollis make up her mind and stay with Josie, or will she leave Josie like all the other families? 

Pictures of Hollis Woods is an amazing story. It kept my attention through the entire book. This book lets you know what some kids are going through in foster care. It made me want to help kids like Hollis. 

I would definitely recommend this book. I think that people that prefer realistic fiction would enjoy this book as well as people that prefer other genres. Overall, Pictures of Hollis Woods is a great book because it shows people what foster children go through and makes the reader become much more compassionate about foster children.  C.L., Garden City School

The Old Willis Place by Mary Downing Hahn

       When you read The Old Willis Place, a chill will run down your back. Mary Downing Hahn, the author, writes about a brother Georgie and a sister Dianna who are stranded on a farm with no adult supervision. How did they get there? Find out what has happened to Georgie and Dianna by reading the book.

Mary Downing Hahn does an excellent job describing the characters. I had them pictured in my head. When she was describing the setting you had to use your five senses. I felt like I was really there.

If you like scary stories or mysteries, then you will love The Old Wills Place. It is a shocking and suspenseful fiction story that most readers would enjoy reading. You will never want to put the book down.  E. A., Garden City School

No Talking By: Andrew Clements

Dave Packer and Lynsey Burgess  are enemies. They've never liked each other. Dave and Lynsey are in the same class. One day while Dave is reading about Ghandi, who often remained silent for a whole day, he thought of something. The next day, Dave and Lynsey get in a fight as usual. But this fight is about talking. Dave thinks that girls talk more than boys. Then, they make a bet. Dave bets that girls will talk more than boys in one day. So, it's boys against girls. They are only allowed to say three words in each sentence. No talking for two WHOLE days. Who will win?

I recommend this book for anyone who likes challenges and betting.

For the latest novels by Andrew Clements, visit his website.  

Genna C.
Grade 6
E.S. Rhodes

Chicken Boy By: Frances O'Roark Dowell

Chicken Boy is a book about a boy named Tobin McCauley. Tobin has two brothers, Patrick and Shane, and they're both delinquents. Tobin also has a grandmother who's kind of like a mom to him, because his mom died of cancer. Tobin has a dad whom he rarely sees. Tobin's grandmother and dad hate each other because Tobin's grandmother says that he didn't do enough to keep her daughter alive. Tobin had no friends until he met Henry and his brother who raised chickens. Henry said the chickens were like people because they have feelings. Now, Tobin finds a new passion for chickens.

Tobin's grandmother called social service. Now the question is, who is Tobin going to stay with? His grandmother or his dad?

Stephanie G.
Grade: 6
E.S Rhodes

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Savvy by Ingrid Law

Mibs is turning 13 and that's when she gets her "savvy" - special skill. All of her family has a savvy: one of Mib's brothers controls hurricanes, the other causes electricity, her grandfather moves mountains, and her mother's savvy is that she is perfect. Mib's father got into a coma the day before her birthday. Mibs loved her father so much that she went on a bus to find and help him. What will happen on this mysterious adventure? Will Mibs savvy save her father? Read the book to find out.

Melissa C.
Woodridge School

Is That a Dead Dog in Your Locker? by Todd Strasser

Is that a dead dog in your locker? Barton Slugg, the Tardy Boys worst arch-enemy ever, asks. Barton is always looking to get the boys in trouble and their school is very strict. They have the NFA rule [No Furry Animals rule]. Is that a dead dog in the locker or is it just a dirty pile of gym clothes? Read Todd Strasser's funny book, Is that A Dead Dog in Your Locker? to find out what's really in the locker.

By: Jacob H.

Woodridge Elementary School

Stolen Children

Amy sometimes baby sits a little girl, Kendra. One day when she was babysitting something went wrong. Two kidnappers broke into Kendra’s house and took Kendra and Amy. They wanted Kendra and Amy to make videos to send to their parents to show that they are okay. Amy decided to give clues in the videos to try to have their parents find where they are. Do the clues work? Do Kendra and Amy get saved? Read Peg Kehret's book Stolen Children to find out.

Samantha A.

Woodridge School

Luv Ya Bunches by Lauren Myracle

Luv Ya Bunches is a story of friendship, popularity, and where you fit in. All the girls are starting 5th grade today, and they are all worried. The girls used to all be best friends until the popular girl at school named Medusa took away Milla and tore them all apart. As they walk into 5th grade and throughout the week they realize that true friendship means your friends like you for who you are, maybe you're not popular, maybe you're not that smart, or maybe you're geeky, but they treat you for the person you truly are. Do you think they become friends? Or do they stay in separate cliques?

Sabrina F.

Woodridge School

The Scary States of America by Mike Teitelbaum

In The Scary States of America you go through all the states and find all the paranormal in it. You can read about The Beast of Bray Road and the Vampires of Exeter. The few main characters are Jason Specter and his online pals who are with him throughout the book. As the book says "you take a journey around the states and learn the weird and scary. Some ghost/aliens don't mean to hurt anyone, but some of them do." If you like scary books, give this one a try!

By Renny L.
Woodridge School

Friday, March 5, 2010

Where The Red Fern Grows By: Wilson Rawls

Where The Red Fern Grows is a story about a boy named Billy who lives in the Ozark Mountains with his two redbone coon hunting hounds. Billy gives everything he has to his dogs. The dogs names are Little Ann and Old Dan. They are quite a pair! Little Ann is quick and cunning. No coon can outsmart her. Old Dan is tough and fearless. After Little Ann tracks down the coon, Old Dan is off for the final fight. Billy's grandpa counts and sells the coon hides for Billy. It's a real family affair. They enter a contest for the best hunting dogs. Will they win the golden cup and all of the prize money?

Be prepared for the emotional ups and downs!

By: Stephanie G. and Taylor R.
Grade Six
E.S. Rhodes

Friday, January 8, 2010

Skeleton Creek By: Patrick Carman

Welcome to Skeleton Creek. The book, Skeleton Creek, is about two teenagers trying to unlock the secrets of Skeleton Creek. Their names are Sarah Fincher and Ryan McCray. Sarah is adventurous and not afraid of anything. On the other hand, Ryan is easily scared. Ryan loves writing in his journal. (Ryan writes all of their adventures in it.) Sarah loves video recording and records everything she finds. Sarah sends the video to Ryan so that you can watch it on your computer. They go to the dredge where most of the action takes place. Whenever they go there, they risk their lives and then they're forbidden to see each other but they do anyway. You'll have to read the book to get the other juicy information. "Read the book, watch the video and uncover the mystery." I'll give you a clue: New York Gold and Silver. You're going to hear that word all the time so start thinking about what it means.

P.S. There is a Skeleton Creek 2 called Ghost In The Machine but I wish Patrick Carmen would do a third one.

Visit the web site if you dare.

Stephanie G.
Grade 6
ES Rhodes

Ghost in the Machine By: Patrick Carman

Ghost in the Machine is a sequel to Skeleton Creek. Ryan McCray is a 16 year old boy with a broken leg. His best friend, Sarah Fincher, is a 16 year old girl, who is fearless, and has a thirst for adventure. An internet search revealed that Old Joe Bush had stolen gold from the dredge when he worked there. The dredge is a machine that digs up land and finds gold. While Ryan and Sarah try to uncover the mystery, the ghost of Old Joe Bush is trying to keep them away. Sarah makes videos about their adventure and discovery. Will they unlock the secret of the dredge in time? I strongly recommend this book to people who like mystery, and a little scare.

Genna C.
E.S Rhodes
Grade 6

Million Dollar Throw By: Mike Lupica

Nate Brodie is your typical thirteen year old; except when it comes to football. Nate is a star quarterback. He is a big fan of Tom Brady, the Patriots quarterback. Since Nate is a great quarterback, his friends all call him "Brady." Nate's best friend's name is Abby. Nate's life hasn't been going great so far. His dad just lost his job, and Abby is going blind. Things aren't looking so great. Then, Nate decides to go to the mall with his mother and Abby. He's been saving up to buy a signed Brady ball. When he gets to the cashier, the person asks Nate if he would like to buy a ticket to throw a ball through a hole at a Patriots game on live TV for one million dollars. What do you think Nate said? He said yes of course! Nate doesn't think that his ticket will win. So, he goes on with his life. Then, when it comes time for the winning number to be announced, who wins but Nate! He is flabergasted. If he won the million dollars, it could do a lot. He could help his parents with financial hardships, and give Abby the money for eye surgery. Nate feels a lot of pressure. It even makes him mess up in football. Finally, the big night comes. Will Nate make the throw or not?

For other books by this author visit the website.

By Hannah F.
E.S. Rhodes
Grade 6