One of the characters in this story, Molly, has a fear of her stepsister, Heather, and so does Molly’s brother Mike. Heather hates everyone -- Molly, Mike, and her new stepmother -- everyone except her father. As soon as they move to a new house with a cemetery in the back, Heather starts making up a girl named Helen. But is Helen really made up? Heather, Mike and Molly find out later that a little girl named Helen was buried in the cemetery. As the mystery gets harder to crack, they find out something horrible about Helen and their own stepsister. You have to read it to find out more!
To be honest, this is one of my favorite books in the world. I love how the author just keeps you interested until you hit the last word in the book. One of the characters in the book, Molly, was trying to figure out what was going on which in a way is like me because I love mysteries and trying to solve them. Now that I read and loved this book, hopefully you will feel the same way, too. If you love mysteries, ghosts or haunted places then you have to read this book. I would recommend this book to anyone in grades 5-8 between the ages of 10-14. – G.O., Stadium School.
I love this book!
great job! the end of your summary was a little dry but over all great job!
Great job reviewing the book! You're a great writer!
Wait Till Helen comes was a spectacular book because it had mystery and at the end of every chapter it made want to read more and more. this book is also great for people who really like scary and mysterious stories to read for fun.
jacquelin c
woodridge school
grade 6
This book was amazing i loved it i loved the action mystery and supernatural things and plus the nightmares!
This book was amazing, I loved it! Because, I love the action, mystery and supernatural things and plus the nightmares!
Woodridge, Grade 6
I liked this book because it was creepy in some parts. With this book you would want to keep reading. This is in my top favorite books of the ones i read by Mary Downing Hahn. If i had to rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10 i would give this book a 10 because I was so into it and because i thought it was so detailed.
Woodridge School
Grade 6
im in the seventh grade i was in sixth when i read this i loved it n started reading more books by her one i suggest is Time for Andrew u will lovee it!!!!!!!(: i read all of her books now, she knows how to put feeling n her books n mix up the mystery!! n others r Closed For The Season, and All The Lovely Bad ones! i wasnt so sure about that one at first but fell in love with it within the first chapter!!!!(: :D read it
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