Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Scary States of America by Mike Teitelbaum

In The Scary States of America you go through all the states and find all the paranormal in it. You can read about The Beast of Bray Road and the Vampires of Exeter. The few main characters are Jason Specter and his online pals who are with him throughout the book. As the book says "you take a journey around the states and learn the weird and scary. Some ghost/aliens don't mean to hurt anyone, but some of them do." If you like scary books, give this one a try!

By Renny L.
Woodridge School


Anonymous said...

The Scary States of America is great scary book. This book tells a lot of creepy stories from all 50 states. My favorite one is Mothman. If you ever find this book take it and read it. Renny Lumbardo is the one who introduced this book to everyone. Good job Renny.

By: Joseph P Woodridge

Anonymous said...

I loved how the book had totally different stories on very state. my favorite story was the doll.
Joey, grade 6
Woodridge school