Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen

This realistic fiction, often mystery is a definite page turner. Roy is the new kid in his middle school in South Florida. He finds two off-beat friends, Beatrice (with “major attitude”), and her runaway brother, Mullet Fingers (you’ll find out about the name on your own). The three of them unite when they discover that a major pancake restaurant chain is going to build its newest store on land that is home to a protected species of owls. There’s a big cover up going on, and what can three kids do in a world of grown-ups? You’ll be surprised, and delighted, and very gratified at the imagination with which Roy, Beatrice and Mullet Fingers manage their…sabotage. This book, which inspired a movie in 2006, is perfect if you care about animals, the environment, and making a difference.

Check out the author's web site:

Carl Hiaasen’s web site for young readers. Take a look at some of his latest books.


Anonymous said...

I read this book before,and I loved it! I thought it had good description and I couldn't put it down! I also read another book by Carl Hiaasen titled Flush and loved it as well!

Anonymous said...

I find this book very exciting when the three teens find the owls, and also when they try to stop the construction of the pancake shop. It is a good book for kids who like animals and who want to save the environment.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful book. It was very interesting. I also watched the movie. In a way I thought the book was better. I am reading Flush, it is another wonderful book by Carl Hiaasen. He is a very excellent author and I would definitely recommend this book.

by Serina in Stadium

Anonymous said...

I thought this book was excellent. I read it in third grade and thought it was the best book ever. After I read it I bought the movie. I also think Carl Hiaasen is a great author. I've been wanting to read another of his books but I always forget at the library or bookstore.

Maddy M. Grade 6 E.S. Rhodes

Anonymous said...

i realize many people enjoy hoot, and that it inspired them, but personally, i found it boring. i couldn't even finish it! it was especially slow-going at the beginning. it just didn't interest me.

Anonymous said...

This book was very exciting! I would love to read this book again. It goes through many, many intriguing events. You should read this riveting novel. I loved this book!

Anonymous said...

Iiked this book because it kept my interested throughout the book and my favorite part was when the crocodile was in the porta-potty. This book was rated to me as a 9 out of 10

Anonymous said...

Hoot was a good book. It started out boring at some point, but I still read the whole thing and it was okay. Carl Hiaasen made the book more interesting at the first few chapters. The other book, Flush, was a lot better.

Saiya C.
Woodridge School Sixth grade

Anonymous said...

I thought Hoot was an okay book. The beginning I found boring. The end of the book was great. I liked the part when the police officer woke up and his wind shield was black. Carl Hiassen is an amazing author. His books are great.

Erica M. Woodridge School

Anonymous said...

This book was amazing, I loved it. Those kids must really love animals since they went through so much trouble to stop the construction that would kill the baby owls. Another amazing book by Carl Hiaasen was Scat, I recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Hoot is a great book. I would recommend this book to the fifth grade and up. It is very suspenseful. I liked the part when they vandalized the construction site for the pancake house. It was very funny. It has a slow beginning, but when it gets more suspenseful it is faster paced.

Robert 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

Hoot was a very good book. I like how the author makes most of the characters Roy meets along the way show up more in the story. Also because there are a lot of conflicts in the story. For example like when Roy and Dana get into fights. Like when Dana was choking Roy and the Roy punched Dana in the nose and broke it. If you like animals I would recommend the book to you.

Zachary grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

When I read the book Hoot I liked every character but one. His name is Dana Matherson. I don’t like him because he is a bully and all he does is smoke. He would always bully the new kids such as Roy the main character. The author of the book is Carl Hiaasen. I recommend this book to kids and adults of all ages.
Caitlin Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I like the book hoot by Carl Hiaasen. I would recommend this book to 4th graders. It was easy to read because it flowed. My favorite part was when mullet fingers put a bag over Roy’s face and then let the snakes go. That is what I liked about about hoot.
Joey Grade 6 Orchard farms

Anonymous said...

The book Hoot is an exciting, fantastic book. My favorite part is when snakes surround Roy, and Mullet Fingers helps him survive without any snakes biting Roy. I would recommend this book to everyone.
Brett,grade6,Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I think that Hoot was a really good book. I liked how there was a lot of action in it. My favorite part was when Roy and Dana got in a fight on the bus because Roy was ignoring Dana and he was trying to get off the bus. Then Dana choked Roy. After that Roy punched Dana in the face and broke his nose. I think that it was very interesting and made you wanting to read on. I would recommend this book to all readers because it is very fun, adventures, and action-packed.

Dante 6th Grade Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I loved the book Hoot! It is by Carl Hiaasen. I loved it because it created mystery. It created mystery by having Roy try to save the endangered owls. He meets Beatrice and Mullet Fingers along the way. I hope you love this book as much as I do!

Jillian Orchard Farms Grade 6

Anonymous said...

This book is funny. An example of the book Hoot is when Dana gets in a fight with Roy. This Dana Matherson boy is a mean fat slug. He doesn’t care about any one but him self, and he pounds people to the ground. This book is very suspenseful. I would recommend this book to a lot of people who like a funny suspenseful story. Brad grade6 Orchard Farms school

Anonymous said...

I liked the book Hoot very much. I liked the part when Roy stood up for Mullet Fingers at the hospital. What I didn’t like about the end was Roy being interviewed. I also liked the part when Roy tricked Dana because Roy lied to Dana that there was a golden pack of cigarettes. What also didn’t like about the book was that Dana got hurt and was sent to juvy.

Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I loved the book Hoot. It was such a naturally book. The part I love is when Roy and his friends join forces with the people at school to protest the Mother Paula’s All American Pancake House, to save the owls. That was my favorite part and why I liked it.
Mackenzie Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I like the book hoot because it was really interesting. I think this because Dana Matherson bullies Roy. Roy meats this girl Beatrice and they team up to save owls. My favorite book was when Beatrice beat Dana up and tied him to a flagpole. I recommend this book to everyone. Ryan grade 6 Orchard Farms.

Anonymous said...

Hoot was a very exciting story. I read it 2 times. My favorite part was when Roy, Mullet Fingers and Beatrice teamed up to stop the builders from building the pancake house and save the owls. I would recommend this book Hoot to people who like helping the environment
Stephanie grade6 Orchard Farms school

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading the book “Hoot”. My favorite part was when Roy, Beatrice, and Mullet Fingers all got together to save the owls. I knew they went just saving the owls because they needed to, it was because they thought it was wrong to build a pancake house on owl dens. I would recommend the book “Hoot” to all sixth-graders, because it is a good story about three friends got together to save an animal they really care about.

Elizabeth grade 6 Orchard Farms School

Anonymous said...

I thought the book, Hoot, was very interesting. I loved the part when Roy sticks up for the owls and matures throughout the story. Another thing I loved about this story was how it gravitated you to the next chapter by writing an ending of each chapter that make you think, what will happen next? I absolutely couldn’t stop reading. I would definitely recommend this book to all sixth graders.

Marina Grade 6 Orchard Farms School

Anonymous said...

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen was a book worth reading. Three characters Beatrice, Roy and Mullet Fingers. Are trying to save owls. Their saving the owls from a nasty construction man ,trying to build a pancake house over them. But the part I love most about this book , is the part where everyone teams up to save the owls.
Sachin, Grade 6, Orchard Farms School

Anonymous said...

Hoot was a great book, because there were many foreshadowing events that you just had to find out. For example “there was open space ahead” that told me that Roy was not going to make it across the gym to the bus. And it has great details, so it is like you are actually there! Like, Carl Hiaasen described Dana’s breath with so much detail, its almost like you can smell his cigarette breath. Overall it was a great book.
Nicsaii Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

“Hoot” was a very interesting book. I liked this book because it told a fascinating story how Roy, and a couple friends saved burrowing owls. They are helping to save the owls because people want to build a pancake house over the owls home. My favorite character was Roy because he helped this girl he met, Beatrice; her stepbrother mullet fingers (that she calls him because he can catch mullets with his bare hands) save burrowing owls. Roy also had a bully Dana that Beatrice beats up for Roy.
Madison 6 Orchard Farms School

Anonymous said...

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen is a fantastic book because I am an animal lover, and it talks about saving endangered owls. Hoot is a great book for animal lovers because three kids save an endangered owl species. There are three main characters in the book. I like the kid named Mullet Fingers best because he thought of the idea to save an endangered owl species. I recommend this book to 4-6 graders

Lincoln, grade 6, Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

I loved the book “Hoot” because it provided great detail about the setting and the characters. I almost felt like I was in the story. I also liked this book because it related to normal life like being bullied, School, and meeting new friends. My favorite part was when Roy, Mullet Fingers, and Beatrice protested to save the owls. I love animals and I think that it was a great thing for the teenagers to do because they stood up for what they believed in. Overall, “Hoot” was a very good book and I couldn’t put it down! I would recommend this book to all sixth-graders!

Gabrielle grade 6 Orchard Farms School

Anonymous said...

As soon as I started reading Hoot, I
couldn’t put it down. The author did a fantastic job at keeping me hooked through the whole book with no dull parts. The book also had great descriptive sentences and I felt as If I were experiencing the whole scene! This book is great for readers who enjoy books about the environment and fighting for what you believe in. My favorite part in the story was at the end when Roy, Beatrice and Mullet Fingers team up and try to stop the construction at the grand opening of the pancake house! This book is probably most suited for the 9-12 age group

Anonymous said...

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen is a fantastic book because I am an animal lover, and it talks about saving endangered owls. Hoot is a great book for animal lovers because three kids save an endangered owl species. There are three main characters in the book. I like the kid named Mullet Fingers best because he thought of the idea to save an endangered owl species. I recommend this book to 4-6 graders

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading Hoot. There are some parts that I didn’t like. For example, the part that I didn’t like was they used snakes. The part that I did like was when Roy, Beatrice, and Mullet Fingers tried to save the owls. My favorite part in the story was when Roy and Beatrice became friends. I would recommend Hoot to anyone who likes owls.

Victoria Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

As soon as I started reading Hoot, I
couldn’t put it down. The author did a fantastic job at keeping me hooked through the whole book with no dull parts. The book also had great descriptive sentences and I felt as If I were experiencing the whole scene! This book is great for readers who enjoy books about the environment and fighting for what you believe in. My favorite part in the story was at the end when Roy, Beatrice and Mullet Fingers team up and try to stop the construction at the grand opening of the pancake house! This book is probably most suited for the 9-12 age group
Taylor Grade 6 Orchard Farms Elementary School

Anonymous said...

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen, was a great book. In every chapter there was an adventure. For example, 2 different times Roy, the new kid in town, gets hit in the head with a golf ball.
This happened when he was riding his bike after Mullet Fingers to find out where he lives. He eventually finds him and he helps Roy to save helpless baby owls. Curly, the officer tries to avoid them and not let them save the owls. He is so concentrated on building the pancake house that he can not see how helpless the owls are and Roy saves the owls with help of Mullet Fingers and Beatrice.
Gillian Gillard Grade 6
Orchard Farms Elementary

Anonymous said...

I think Hoot was a really interesting book, and it was a mystery. It was a mystery because the policemen didn’t know who kept vandalizing the new breakfast place. It was interesting when Roy was trying to find out who the running boy was, and then he found out it was Beatrice’s brother. That was my favorite part of the story. Hoot was the best book I ever read, there wasn’t one boring part! Derek Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

The book Hoot is written by Carol Harrison. My favorite part of the book was at the end when all of the kids made a barrier around the bird and Mulit Fingers. I like that part because it first started with Roy blocking mulit fingers from getting hit with shovel. That led up to people crowding mulit fingers and that led to the owls not dying. That is why I like that part. Matthew Grade 6 Orchard Farms

Anonymous said...

Hoot is a very inspiring story. I think that Beatrice, Mulletfingers, and Roy, and the others were very brave to stand up for what they believe in against Mother Paula’s Pancake House. Throughout the whole story I felt as if I was cheering Roy on. This feeling only comes from great books, so I think just about anyone would enjoy this book.
Ryan M. Grade 6 Orchard Farms Elementary