Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket

I really loved this book, The Ersatz Elevator. Lemony Snicket must have put a lot of deep thought into this book. When the three Baudelaire’s, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, try to get to the bottom of Esme Squalor’s dark and mean scheme, they encounter a little bump in the road. As they are trying to get out of Esme and Jerome’s penthouse apartment, they’re stuck. No one will let them out to get to the police. At this penthouse, there is an extremely odd elevator that is never to be used, however the Baudelaire’s figure out how this elevator works. This odd elevator is really a secret hideout and the only way down is to climb using a rope. Will Violet, Klaus, and Sunny get down the elevator, or will they be stuck in the penthouse forever?

This book is one of my favorites. When Sunny was trying to climb down the elevator, her brother and sister kept cheering her on. That is what I like in a story. Also, it kept you hanging at every chapter. I would always have a hard time taking my eyes off of each page.

Brooke D.

Woodridge School

Poppy by Avi

Poppy is a tiny deer mouse. She lives with a huge deer mouse family. The problem? They’re running out of food. Mr. Ocax, the great horned owl, and ruler of the Dimwood Region, demands permission for any movement the mice wish to do. He is also the protector of them. Lungwort, the father of Poppy and the rest of the mice family, prepares a speech for a movement to go to a place called New House where there is plenty of food. When he gives his speech to Ocax, Ocax denies halfway through. So, Poppy and Lungwort are confused. Why wouldn’t Mr. Ocax let them move to New House? Is there something there that Mr. Ocax doesn’t want them to know about? Well, Poppy doesn’t take no for an answer. She wants to find out, so she prepares to walk there. If you want to know what is at New House and see if Poppy succeeds, than I suggest you read this exciting, can’t put down, adventure book.This book is awesome! I couldn’t put it down! Whenever I read I didn’t want to stop. I would think other readers would think the same thing as me. So, if your near your public library, and you need a book, I check this one out!

Vito N.

Woodridge School

Ida B by Katherine Hannigan

Ida B is about this girl named Ida. She is an only child and is homeschooled. Her parents have a big piece of land and with that land they planted apple trees and now they have and apple orchard. Ida’s friends aren’t really friends. They are the apple trees. Ida talks to them because since she’s homeschooled and doesn’t go to regular school, she talks to trees, but the trees “talk” back. She loves to be outside with the trees in her orchard. Ida has the happiest life that one could ever live until her mom becomes diagnosed with cancer. Her family can’t afford the chemo treatments needed for her mom, so they have to sell some of their orchard. Ida B is forced to be put back in public school. She never liked it and she never will. Will Ida’s mom ever recover from her cancer? Will Ida be able to be homeschooled and will her life ever be back to normal?

I recommend this book to girls above the age of 10 or 11. I loved it so much, I had to read it three more times! Katherine Hannigan is a terrific author and included great suspense in this book. I couldn’t put it down! This book is a definitely a page-turner!!

Riley W.

Woodridge School

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

This is the first book in Rick Riordan’s new and exciting series. One of the characters, Piper, is at a wilderness school in the middle of nowhere because her rich, famous father is mad at her. She meets a boy named Jason, who has no memory because Hera took it so he won’t remember his terrible, demigod past. Then, the Titans capture Hera and her power weakens everyday so she can’t escape. They take her to an old, warn down mansion where Jason used to live. Since Jason doesn’t have his memory, he can’t remember where the mansion is. Also, on top of all this trouble, another demigod named Leo shows up at the beginning the expedition to tell them both that Piper’s mean dad was also taken by the Titans. Now, they all have to save two people. Will the new demigods, Piper, Jason, and a helpful son of Hespeust be able to save Hera before the winter solstice? Read the book to see if they will save Hera.

I really loved this book! This book was exhilarating and definitely a page-turner! Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop. Rick Riordan again has used his amazing talents to create an awesome book that is great for readers and that a lot of readers will love, too!

Aliana C.

Woodridge School