Twilight is the first book from the Twilight Saga. It is a romantic vampire love story with tons of action. It takes place in a town called Forks in Washington. It’s about a seventeen-year-old girl named Bella who comes to Forks to live with her father. One day at school during lunch, she sees a group of unbelievably special teenagers. They are the Cullen’s. One she specifically notices is a boy the same age who is in her biology class named Edward Cullen. Not much later, Bella is introduced into Edward and his family’s supernatural world. During a game of family baseball, a group of nomad vampires show up and start to track Bella and put her in grave danger. You have to read the rest of the story to find out more. My favorite character is Alice Cullen. I like her bubbly and optimistic personality. She has an amazing super power to see the future, too.
I absolutely adored this book because the suspense on every page made me went to read on. My favorite part of the book is when Bella goes to Edward’s house. The way the house is described, made me feel like I was really there. I can relate to Rosalie the most because she wants to protect her family just like I do.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves romantic, suspenseful, action-packed books. This book is good for ages 11 and up. If you read the book and like it, you can watch the movie. It came out on DVD March 21, 2009. -- G.L., Stadium
I liked this book very much. Now i want to be a vampire.My favorite scene was the baseball scene.
I think this is a wonderful book. I also like the reveiw. She is a wonderful author. I am readimg the rest of the twilight saga and it gets even better as you go along.
I love this book very much. I have read the whole series. My favorite part in this book is the baseball scene before the nomads come. I also think Bella gets herself into this trouble.I don't get why theres an apple on the cover though.
Maddy M.
Rhodes Elementary
6th grade
I've read this book before and LOVED it! I also read the sencond book in the series and am currently in the middle of the third! I would suggest this book to anyone! the books are SO good!!
Awesome book review G.L. You put a lot of detail in it. I read this book and it is packed with action and romance. Like you said, I really recommend this to everybody 11 and up.
the apple is on the cover because when Bella and Edward are in the cafeteria together Bella drops the apple and Edward gets it before it even touches the ground. This is one of the many signs that she sees before discovering Edward is a vampire. It's an important part in the book.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything but the apple thing only happened in the movie. If it was in the book then I probably missed it.
Maddy M.
E.S Rhodes
6th Grade
This book was very exciting. It made you want to read the whole book in one day. There was a lot of good moments such as when Edward saved Bella from the van and when they played baseball.
I love this book! I wish I were a vampire. The base ball scene was my favorite scene and as Maddy M said, I don't get why the apple is on the cover. Edward Cullen is soooooo cute and Jacob isn't!!!!!!!
Rhodes Elementary
6th grade
I loved this book. It kept my interest throughout the whole story. I love the vampires.It is so different. Something only Stephanie Meyer would think of. My favorite scene was the baseball scene.Now,i am reading new moon.
Gabrielle C. grade 6 Woodridge School
Twilight was an amazing experience to to read. It was so unique and unlike any book I have ever read. My favorite part was the meadow because its when Bella and Edward confess their feelings for each other. In my opinion this book is a 10!
Woodridge school
sixth grade
Twlight is an amazing book! It was a very well writen story by Stephenie Myer. It left me on cliffhangers espeically when bella was about to get hit by the car which tyler was driving. i have read most of the Twilight series and have seen the movies. Stephanies books have made me a true Twilight fanatic.
sadie, in woodridge school
Twilight was an amazing book. It was such a page turner. Stephanie Meyer did a great job. My favorite scene is the baseball scene. I can't wait to read the rest of the twilight saga.
Katie M.
Woodridge School
grade 6
I am the biggest fan of Twilight. I love all the Twilight books! Twilight was my favorite and it's a great story that is full of action and romance. Twilight is also such a fast book, you never be able to put it down! I read Twilight three times! I am team Edward all the way!
Grade Six
Woodridge School
This is an great book.It is because its an action packed mystery filled with romance.I hope other people liked it as much as me.i've read the whole the whole series and i love it!
woodridge school
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