Friday, January 8, 2010

Skeleton Creek By: Patrick Carman

Welcome to Skeleton Creek. The book, Skeleton Creek, is about two teenagers trying to unlock the secrets of Skeleton Creek. Their names are Sarah Fincher and Ryan McCray. Sarah is adventurous and not afraid of anything. On the other hand, Ryan is easily scared. Ryan loves writing in his journal. (Ryan writes all of their adventures in it.) Sarah loves video recording and records everything she finds. Sarah sends the video to Ryan so that you can watch it on your computer. They go to the dredge where most of the action takes place. Whenever they go there, they risk their lives and then they're forbidden to see each other but they do anyway. You'll have to read the book to get the other juicy information. "Read the book, watch the video and uncover the mystery." I'll give you a clue: New York Gold and Silver. You're going to hear that word all the time so start thinking about what it means.

P.S. There is a Skeleton Creek 2 called Ghost In The Machine but I wish Patrick Carmen would do a third one.

Visit the web site if you dare.

Stephanie G.
Grade 6
ES Rhodes

Ghost in the Machine By: Patrick Carman

Ghost in the Machine is a sequel to Skeleton Creek. Ryan McCray is a 16 year old boy with a broken leg. His best friend, Sarah Fincher, is a 16 year old girl, who is fearless, and has a thirst for adventure. An internet search revealed that Old Joe Bush had stolen gold from the dredge when he worked there. The dredge is a machine that digs up land and finds gold. While Ryan and Sarah try to uncover the mystery, the ghost of Old Joe Bush is trying to keep them away. Sarah makes videos about their adventure and discovery. Will they unlock the secret of the dredge in time? I strongly recommend this book to people who like mystery, and a little scare.

Genna C.
E.S Rhodes
Grade 6

Million Dollar Throw By: Mike Lupica

Nate Brodie is your typical thirteen year old; except when it comes to football. Nate is a star quarterback. He is a big fan of Tom Brady, the Patriots quarterback. Since Nate is a great quarterback, his friends all call him "Brady." Nate's best friend's name is Abby. Nate's life hasn't been going great so far. His dad just lost his job, and Abby is going blind. Things aren't looking so great. Then, Nate decides to go to the mall with his mother and Abby. He's been saving up to buy a signed Brady ball. When he gets to the cashier, the person asks Nate if he would like to buy a ticket to throw a ball through a hole at a Patriots game on live TV for one million dollars. What do you think Nate said? He said yes of course! Nate doesn't think that his ticket will win. So, he goes on with his life. Then, when it comes time for the winning number to be announced, who wins but Nate! He is flabergasted. If he won the million dollars, it could do a lot. He could help his parents with financial hardships, and give Abby the money for eye surgery. Nate feels a lot of pressure. It even makes him mess up in football. Finally, the big night comes. Will Nate make the throw or not?

For other books by this author visit the website.

By Hannah F.
E.S. Rhodes
Grade 6