Friday, May 27, 2011

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner is an enticing science fiction novel. The story is about a boy who is sent into a huge maze called the Glade. The people who live there are called gladers and have been trying to escape for eleven years, but they have had no success because of the things that lurk in the maze called the grievers. The grievers can’t go into the center of the maze where the gladers live but constantly run around the maze in search of lost gladers. The gladers might escape, but you’ll never know for sure until you read the book!

I thought The Maze Runner was very suspenseful and comedic at times. The book reminds me of a rat maze because the people are the rats and the maze is obviously the maze. My favorite part of the book was definitely the ending, but I can’t tell you the ending or I would ruin the book! My least favorite part, however, is the beginning because it is kind of slow. Even though the beginning is slow, the rest of the book surely makes up for it.

I would recommend The Maze Runner to anyone who likes a somewhat realistic, fantasy novel. I would also recommend it to a Star Wars fan because of its futuristic feel. Also, someone who likes The Hunger Games trilogy would love this book. -- S.L., Garden City

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games is about an annual game that takes place in the future. There are 12 districts around the world. The Capital rules the world. This is because the world was destroyed in a large war. A small amount of land and people were left, and they rebuilt the world. Unfortunately, most districts are in poverty. Few districts were rich. They became rich by winning The Hunger Games. If you win, you obtain a large sum of money for you and your district. When the Hunger Games begin, two kids, a male and female, are randomly chosen to participate in the Hunger Games. The problem is that this game is a fight to the death. 24 children try to kill each other. The last person standing wins the Games. The story revolves around Katniss Everdeen, who takes her sister, Prim’s, place in the Hunger Games. She has one goal: Stay alive.

I personally enjoyed The Hunger Games. It was well written and very intense at times. My favorite part of the book is hard to decide. I loved everything in it. I think I liked the part with the trackerjackers the best, though. Trackerjackers are deadly bees invented by the Capital for war. Their stings cause delusions, and soon, death. Katniss is hiding in a tree when she knocks a nest of trackerjackers to the ground. They attack her, and other tributes trying to kill her. Katniss obtains only a couple stings, and she has the power to stay alive. Sadly, the others don’t fare as well as Katniss. A girl named Glitter is stung multiple times, and she is killed. I dislike the scene where Katniss found Peeta, though. The scene just dragged on, and was boring. I think Foxface was my favorite character. There wasn’t much back story about her, but you only needed a little information to know her. She was sly, and stealthy.

I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. I would even recommend it to people who hate reading, because even they would be captured by its plot. With this book, it doesn’t matter what your age is. You will love this book no matter what. You can read it at any age, because it is a great book. -- D.R., Garden City

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Black Book Of Secrets by F.E. Higgins

The Black Book of Secrets is about a boy named Ludlow Fitch. He comes from the City, a foul place stinking of poverty, cruelty, and evil. His parents become addicted to gin and end up selling his teeth to get money to pay for the gin. Before he loses his teeth he runs away and hitches a ride on an outbound carriage. He comes to the small town of Pagus Parvus. Ludlow becomes apprenticed to a pawnbroker, Joe Zabbidou, who has just moved into town. He learns that Joe is a Secret Pawnbroker, a person who trades in keeping peoples' darkest secrets safe. Joe takes peoples' secrets down in a book to relieve them of their burden. He then gives the people money for their secrets. Joe helps the people of the town overcome a rich man named Jeremiah Ratchet who cheats almost all the townspeople into debt. Jeremiah ends up getting killed and the townspeople are very grateful to Joe. Joe then takes Ludlow to a library full of other Black Books. Ludlow is then given his own Book in which Joe records Ludlow's secret.

This spiritual tale of sins and redemption will keep you interested and intrigue you from beginning to end. When you've finished visit F.E. Higgins website for more of her fabulous books.
Aidan M
E.S. Rhodes