The second book of the Twilight Saga begins with what was to be a happy occasion, the celebration of Bella’s eighteenth birthday. The event turns decidedly frightening when Bella gets a simple paper cut and everyone there realizes that the slightest sign of blood in the presence of vampires could mean the end of Bella’s life as she knows it. Edward, handsome vampire that he is, decides that he and his family must leave Forks forever in order to save Bella.
Bella descends into a major slump with the departure of her dear Edward. She soon finds that being with a friend, Jacob Black from the Quileute reservation, gives her some moments of relief from her pain. Bella is heartbroken and finds that extreme motorcycle rides and cliff diving bring the consolation of Edward’s voice. Soon after, Jacob can’t see Bella because of another reason. She finds out that Jacob is a werewolf! The triangle becomes even more complicated!
Bella, an ordinary human, seems to fall for extraordinary creatures like Vampire Edward and Werewolf Jacob. Part of the suspense is waiting for whom Bella will choose. Bella has a lot of deciding to do.
Maddy M., Sarah B., E.S. Rhodes
This book is amazing!
I loved this book. I have grown with the series. Although I am done with all the books I'd have to say this one is the saddest. I cried so much when Edward left Bella.
This book is very good. I absoltly love the twilight series. This auther is one of my favorites. I enjoyed this book. The movie is hopefully going to be as good as the book.
My school library teacher let us check out this site and I made a new account because apparently yahoo users can’t compose a comment w/out a gmail account and I recommend this book to everyone. Read the whole series BEFORE seeing the movies. They are great books. Great author great books! I just love them. Emilie Maggs CHW Barrows 6th grader
I really liked this book because it was interesting and kept me reading. it was told by Bella's point of view which made the book even better. it was the best book i have ever read and if i got the chance i would read it again. i love the author and and the twilight series i would recommend this book to anyone in the mood for an awesome book!!!
New moon is a great book. Its the secound book of the Tylight serios. its Bella's birthday and a lot of things are going to change . Edward would do anything to keep Bella safe, and Bella is madly in love with him . I love this book!
This book was very intence, but there was a lot of romace. The seriese of twilight is what got me to read. Most books are better than the movie, and this was deffinatly one of them!
Siobhan S.
Grade 6
Woodrige Elementary
New moon was a very interesting read. You actually know what Bella went through when Edward left. Criticts say that Stephenie Meyer is the best vampire novelist since Anne Rice. I've seen the movie but the book tell so much more. My favorite scene is when Bella learns how to ride a motorcycle by her long time best friend, Jacob Black. The siries is amazing! I highly recommened this book.
Abby M. Woodridge 6th grade
I read the book New Moon and couldn't stop. It was clear, consise and interesting. My favorite part was when Bella went to the volturi to save Edward. I loved the book so much that I'm almost down with Breaking Dawn.
Alessia c.
Woodridge Elementry School.
I absolutlly loved this book!!!!!!!!!! It was so detailed and descriptive. At the best parts in the book it left you hanging. once i started reading i could not put this book down !!!!!! On a scale from one to ten this is a deffinate ten. if you haven't read this book then you really should.
this was a great book I never wanted to put this down! I HIGHLY reccomend this book to 6th graders this is one series were that you NEVER want to finish.
New Moon was my favorite book of the Twilight series. I would definitely recommend this for any vampire or werewolf fans because there is info about both subjects. Also even if you haven't read this book you definitely should.
This book was great! I loved it so much I also think the summary that was put was awesome too because it described the book a lot. I loved this book because it included a lot of romance and drama.
Caprice, Grade 6 Woodridge School
I've read all of the twilight books and besides breaking dawn new moon is one of my favorites because of the connection that Bella and jacob had that lasted though the rest of the series. Also Stephane Meyers explained the book in great detail
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