I think that this book was kind of confusing, but I liked it. Miranda is living in her New York apartment with her mom. She is in the sixth grade, (like us). Her mom's boyfriend, "Mr. Perfect," is helping out too. But when Miranda's mom makes it on the 10,000 Dollar Pyramid, she starts getting these strange letters that are telling her to write back, but the problem is that she doesn't know what they mean and where to write back. With out her best friend, Sal, things are getting harder. Along the way Miranda makes new friends, like the "Laughing Man" and talks to people she never thought about talking to, like the "Gangsters" in the garage. Also, does she find out who the mysterious person is? Does her mom win the 10,000 Dollar Pyramid? Does "Mr. Perfect" get a key to the apartment and do Sal and Miranda become best friends again? What happens to the"Laughing Man?"
This book is part mystery, part science fiction. That is why so many things get so confusing. I also think that is why I liked it so much. The confusion was pulling me back into the book. I kept going back to find out or clear up the confusion.
The end of the book was the most confusing of all. It had a lot of references to A Wrinkle In Time, (which I have not read, yet). This book ended with a lot of questions for me. The questions were not literally in the book but in my mind. This is one of my favorite books, despite the fact it left me hanging. I hope that if you read this book it didn't leave you hanging. All in all, this was an amazing book.
Also, her website is very cool!
Anna W.
Grade 6
E. S. Rhodes School