The Maze Runner is an enticing science fiction novel. The story is about a boy who is sent into a huge maze called the Glade. The people who live there are called gladers and have been trying to escape for eleven years, but they have had no success because of the things that lurk in the maze called the grievers. The grievers can’t go into the center of the maze where the gladers live but constantly run around the maze in search of lost gladers. The gladers might escape, but you’ll never know for sure until you read the book!
I thought The Maze Runner was very suspenseful and comedic at times. The book reminds me of a rat maze because the people are the rats and the maze is obviously the maze. My favorite part of the book was definitely the ending, but I can’t tell you the ending or I would ruin the book! My least favorite part, however, is the beginning because it is kind of slow. Even though the beginning is slow, the rest of the book surely makes up for it.
I would recommend The Maze Runner to anyone who likes a somewhat realistic, fantasy novel. I would also recommend it to a Star Wars fan because of its futuristic feel. Also, someone who likes The Hunger Games trilogy would love this book. -- S.L., Garden City